• Fill out the form on the website and go through a simple interview with our recruiters
  • Choose your military combat or logistics profession. Our professional HR specialists will help you with the choice according to your skills, abilities and wishes.
  • Receive approval from the 93rd OMBR Kholodny Yar for the chosen position.
  • Come to the territorial centre for soldier recruitment with an official attitude from the 93rd Brigade.
  • Undergo a military medical examination.
  • Complete a basic military training course.
  • Get assigned to your chosen position
  • Receive full financial and material support
  • Gain experience through specialized exercises and coordination that will last about a month, under the guidance of experienced instructors.

Як стати

Герої України

“Кожен може захищати свою землю, потрібне лише бажання. Ми допоможемо підібрати професію, навчимо роботі з найсучаснішою зброєю та дамо підтримку тисяч вмотивованих побратимів, навчимо роботі з найсучаснішою зброєю та дамо підтримку тисяч вмотивованих побратимів”
“Кожен може захищати свою землю, потрібне лише бажання. Ми допоможемо підібрати професію, навчимо роботі з найсучаснішою зброєю та дамо підтримку тисяч вмотивованих побратимів, навчимо роботі з найсучаснішою зброєю та дамо підтримку тисяч вмотивованих побратимів”
“Кожен може захищати свою землю, потрібне лише бажання. Ми допоможемо підібрати професію, навчимо роботі з найсучаснішою зброєю та дамо підтримку тисяч вмотивованих побратимів, навчимо роботі з найсучаснішою зброєю та дамо підтримку тисяч вмотивованих побратимів”
Павло Паліса, [Хантер]
Звання: Полковник
Військова посада: Командир 25-го окремого мотострілецького батальйону
Заслуги: Брав участь у вирішальних боях під час української війни, проявив себе як відважний і досвідчений лідер
Нагороди: Герой України , Орден "За мужність" , Медаль "За відзнаку"
Павло Паліса, [Хантер]
Звання: Полковник
Військова посада: Командир 25-го окремого мотострілецького батальйону
Заслуги: Брав участь у вирішальних боях під час української війни, проявив себе як відважний і досвідчений лідер
Нагороди: Герой України , Орден "За мужність" , Медаль "За відзнаку"
Павло Паліса, [Хантер]
Звання: Полковник
Військова посада: Командир 25-го окремого мотострілецького батальйону
Заслуги: Брав участь у вирішальних боях під час української війни, проявив себе як відважний і досвідчений лідер
Нагороди: Герой України , Орден "За мужність" , Медаль "За відзнаку"

Battalion commanders

Головний сержанти 93 Бригади Холодний Яр
Chief Sergeant
Commander of the 1st mechanized battalion.
Commander of the 2nd mechanized battalion.
Commander of the 3rd Mechanized Battalion.
Commander of the 1st Motorized Infantry Battalion
Commander of the 2nd motorized infantry battalion.
Commander of the 1st rifle battalion
Commander of the 2nd rifle battalion.
Tank battalion commander.
Командира батальйону безпілотних систем
Black Raven


Wreathed in smoke, cut by bullets -
the brigade that turns a man into a warrior
The life of a warrior is our highest value
The life of a warrior is our highest value
Of all the possible options, we will always choose the one that will save the lives of our soldiers. We take into account all the subtleties and risks of the combat missions facing us in each specific case, and only then choose an effective strategy that minimizes the risks for personnel.
Of all the possible options, we will always choose the one that will save the lives of our soldiers. We take into account all the subtleties and risks of the combat missions facing us in each specific case, and only then choose an effective strategy that minimizes the risks for personnel.
The same attitude towards both soldiers with combat experience and soldiers who have just now joined the brigade.
The same attitude towards both soldiers with combat experience and soldiers who have just now joined the brigade.
For Kholodnoyarians, it does not matter at all what age you are, what profession you are, and when exactly you joined our big family. If you are already with us, this is forever - both at the front and after our common victory, in peaceful life. We value our common ideals, support newcomers in everything, and willingly learn from those warriors who have something to learn from.
For Kholodnoyarians, it does not matter at all what age you are, what profession you are, and when exactly you joined our big family. If you are already with us, this is forever - both at the front and after our common victory, in peaceful life. We value our common ideals, support newcomers in everything, and willingly learn from those warriors who have something to learn from.
Brotherhood, support, mutual respect among Kholodnoyarian is the basis and foundation of our common victory!
Brotherhood, support, mutual respect among Kholodnoyarian is the basis and foundation of our common victory!
Our team is a living organism, where each link performs important work and is always ready to provide insurance for its fellow workers. We do not tolerate internal competition and encourage respect and mutual assistance for a common goal.
Our team is a living organism, where each link performs important work and is always ready to provide insurance for its fellow workers. We do not tolerate internal competition and encourage respect and mutual assistance for a common goal.
Ukrainian standard
Ukrainian standard
Our warriors are now setting a new military standard for armies around the world. By joining the ranks of the 93rd, you will be able to master the most modern technologies that give an advantage in combat. We have a powerful arsenal of modern equipment and weapons, we are one of the first to receive it from our partners and introduce innovations from Ukrainian developers in the military sphere.
Our warriors are now setting a new military standard for armies around the world. By joining the ranks of the 93rd, you will be able to master the most modern technologies that give an advantage in combat. We have a powerful arsenal of modern equipment and weapons, we are one of the first to receive it from our partners and introduce innovations from Ukrainian developers in the military sphere.
Never back
Never back
People say: if soldiers of the 93rd Brigade set foot in a village or city, you can return there. We bite into the ground and do everything not to give it to the enemy. “The freedom of Ukraine or death” - this is what was written on the Kholodnoyarians’ flag, and this is how we fight.
People say: if soldiers of the 93rd Brigade set foot in a village or city, you can return there. We bite into the ground and do everything not to give it to the enemy. “The freedom of Ukraine or death” - this is what was written on the Kholodnoyarians’ flag, and this is how we fight.
Constant training and high-quality preparation of personnel for the most effective performance of combat missions.
Constant training and high-quality preparation of personnel for the most effective performance of combat missions.
Motivation is the only thing you need to join our team. Our experienced instructors will provide everything else: master new weapons, learn tactics, improve physically, and gain experience from your brothers-in-arms.
Motivation is the only thing you need to join our team. Our experienced instructors will provide everything else: master new weapons, learn tactics, improve physically, and gain experience from your brothers-in-arms.
The unique story of the legendary brigade, creating the spirit of freedom, multiplying achievements, forging victory.
The unique story of the legendary brigade, creating the spirit of freedom, multiplying achievements, forging victory.
The name of the brigade comes from a historical area in the Cherkasy region. Kholodnoyarsk rebels in 1917-1923 began the battle for Ukraine, keeping the much better armed Bolsheviks at bay. The struggle and skill of the Kholodnoyarians became the basis of the culture of the brigade, continuing the illustrious tradition.
The name of the brigade comes from a historical area in the Cherkasy region. Kholodnoyarsk rebels in 1917-1923 began the battle for Ukraine, keeping the much better armed Bolsheviks at bay. The struggle and skill of the Kholodnoyarians became the basis of the culture of the brigade, continuing the illustrious tradition.
How to become a volunteer?

Serving in another brigade, but aspiring to join the 93rd?

  • 01
    Choose a profession
  • 02
    Pass an interview
  • 03
    Together we will agree on all the details of the relocation
Fill out a relocation application

Knowledge and practice are our main weapons. What exactly will our experienced instructors with extensive combat experience teach you? Tactics, physical training, theory and practice of medicine, mine safety, fire training, basics of communications and electronic warfare, topography.

Specialized exercises

After acquiring basic knowledge and skills, our future specialists undergo in-depth training in accordance with their chosen specialty. Namely: piloting UAVs, controlling combat vehicles, detailed study of communications, using MANPADS and ATGMs, mortars, and specialized weapons.

Let us not forget that, in addition to purely combat specializations, there are many professions that are always needed in a brigade. Cook, driver, mechanic, electrician, communications or computer specialist and many other important vacancies.


We would like to especially emphasize a very important point: the future soldier of the brigade will undergo training and approval together with his brothers-in-arms, with whom he will subsequently serve in the same unit. That is, already at the stage of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, the serviceman will specialize directly with his future comrades.

Tactical medicine

During the training, you will learn about the MARCH algorithm in the TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) concept, designed specifically to help medical personnel quickly identify the most life-threatening injuries and treat them first to stabilize their condition of the patient and increase chances of survival.

We will show you how to practically learn urgent actions to save your own health and the lives of your brothers-in-arms. This includes providing assistance under enemy fire, and various methods of evacuating a wounded person, stopping critical bleeding, ensuring airway patency, etc. These skills will give you confidence in critical situations when there is a threat to life, both at the “zero” and in the rear.

Privacy and

We guarantee that all your personal data provided electronically and during the interview will not be transferred to third parties/organizations, including territorial collection centre. The owner and manager of the personal data you provided is exclusively the 93rd separate mechanised brigade.
Fill out the application


join. join. join.

join. join. join.


This is your first and most essential step to join the great family of the renowned Kholodny Yar warriors. We guarantee that none of your data will be shared with third parties or organizations, including the territorial recruitment center. Join now!
Date of Birth*
Your experience*

Щиро дякуємо за довіру до 93-ї бригади!

Наші фахівці уважно вивчать надану тобою інформацію і зателефонують, аби організувати співбесіду.

Якщо після заповнення анкети ви не отримали відповіді, зателефонуйте, будь ласка, за номером гарячої лінії +38 (066) 0651021, або ж напишіть на пошту RECRUITING@93OMBR.ARMY

Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
RADIO reconnaissance platoon operator
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • decryption of audio files
  • work with direction finding equipment
  • installation, debugging, commissioning and maintenance of electronic reconnaissance equipment

Mandatory requirements:

  • сonfident user of PCs, gadgets and instant messengers
  • fluent listening comprehension of the Russian language
  • understanding of the principles of radio communications and the physics of radio wave propagation will be an advantage
  • familiarity with topography, understanding of geographical coordinates will be an advantage • previous experience of service in electronic reconnaissance units will be an advantage
  • familiarity with Google spreadsheets or similar spreadsheets will be an advantage

Working conditions:

  • official mobilization until the end of martial law or contract service
  • transfer of active military personnel is possible
  • monetary allowance from 20,000 to 120,000 hryvnia, depending on the completion of combat missions and orders
DJI-Mavic pilot, serviceman
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • piloting DJI Mavic
  • DJI Mavic setup
  • DJI Mavic repair

Mandatory requirements:

  • piloting FPV drones or DJI Mavic
  • knowledge of BetaFlight, INAV, SpeedyBee, Kropiva software
  • experience with soldering elements
  • military service experience
  • interest in computer games or VR
  • secondary or higher education

Working conditions:

  • official mobilization until the end of martial law or contract service
  • possibility of transferring active military personnel
  • performing duties in a combat zone
  • in case of completing tasks in a combat zone, a bonus in the amount of 3300 UAH/day will be awarded
FPV drone pilot, serviceman
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • piloting FPV drones
  • setting up FPV drones
  • assembly and repair of FPV drones

Mandatory requirements:

  • experience piloting FPV drones
  • knowledge of BetaFlight, INAV, SpeedyBee, Kropiva software
  • experience with soldering elements
  • military service experience
  • interest in computer games or VR
  • secondary or higher education

Working conditions:

  • official mobilization until the end of martial law or contract service
  • possibility of transferring active military personnel
  • performing duties in a combat zone
  • in case of completing tasks in a combat zone, a bonus in the amount of 3300 UAH/day will be awarded
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • technical accounting and diagnostics: carrying out technical accounting of the condition and functionality of armored vehicles and automotive equipment. Diagnostics and fault detection
  • repair and maintenance: Carrying out repair work, maintenance and preventive measures to ensure normal operation of equipment
  • technical documentation: Maintaining documentation of work performed, faults found, spare parts replaced and materials used

Mandatory requirements:

  • technical education: Higher or secondary specialized education in the field of automotive or technical maintenance
  • it is desirable to have experience in the field of technical maintenance or repair of equipment
  • care and responsibility: Ability to perform work carefully and responsibly, observing technical standards and safety requirements

Working conditions:

  • official mobilization until the end of martial law or contract service
  • monetary allowance in accordance with the norms of current legislation
  • opportunity for professional development and advanced training
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • mastering and learning to use the machine gun to maintain the unit's firepower during combat operations
  • participation in the preparation and maintenance of the machine gun under the supervision of experienced military instructors
  • learning the tactical principles of combat and following instructions from the leadership to perform tasks effectively
  • compliance with military rules and standards for the safe use of firearms and combat

Mandatory requirements:

  • desire and willingness to learn and study military skills
  • physical endurance and ability to fulfill the demands of military service
  • high responsibility and ability to work in a team

Working conditions:

  • conducting training and preparation at special courses to obtain the necessary military skills
  • service as part of a military unit under the guidance of experienced military instructors
  • salary in accordance with military status and performance of official duties
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • providing medical care and performing paramedic procedures in case of illness, injury, wounds, poisoning
  • participation in medical examinations of battalion unit personnel
  • examination of patients who sought medical help and a report on them to the head of the medical center
  • fulfillment of medicinal prescriptions
  • maintaining medical and reporting documentation for the subsection

Mandatory requirements:

  • secondary medical education
  • work experience, practical skills and abilities will be an advantage

Working conditions:

  • official mobilization until the end of martial law or contract service
  • work in a medical company 20 km from an active combat zone
  • pre-employment training
  • salary from 20,000 UAH. + bonuses up to 100,000 UAH per month
NURSE, paramedic, serviceman
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • providing first aid to the sick and wounded
  • timely and correct implementation of medication prescriptions

Mandatory requirements:

  • secondary medical education
  • relevant work experience will be an advantage

Working conditions:

  • official mobilization until the end of martial law or contract service
  • work in a medical company 20 km from an active combat zone
  • salary from 20,000 UAH. + bonuses up to 100,000 UAH per month
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • support functions: Assist with basic machine gun maintenance, including preparation for use, loading and stowing ammunition
  • maintenance support: Assist in the support and maintenance of the machine gun during training and combat operations
  • ensuring safety: Compliance with safety requirements when working with a machine gun, including proper handling of weapons and ammunition

Mandatory requirements:

  • desire to learn: Willingness to learn and master skills in working with military equipment
  • physical endurance: Ability to perform physical tasks associated with operating a machine gun
  • communication skills: Ability to communicate effectively with seniors and colleagues to coordinate activities and complete tasks

Working conditions:

  • education and training in the maintenance and use of a machine gun
  • work as part of a military unit under the supervision of experienced military instructors
  • monetary allowance in accordance with military status
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • mastering the work with a mortar: Mastering the basic principles of working with a mortar, including aiming at a target, setting firing parameters and loading
  • coordination with the team: Cooperation with the shooter and commander to identify targets and set shooting parameters, taking into account their distance and coordinates
  • technical support: Carrying out technical tasks for servicing the mortar and their accessories, ensuring its readiness for firing

Mandatory requirements:

  • desire to learn: Willingness to learn new skills and master the use of specialized military equipment
  • carefulness and discipline: Ability to work closely with great attention to detail and following team instructions
  • physical endurance: Willingness to perform physical tasks associated with working with heavy military equipment

Working conditions:

  • education and training in the use of the mortar and its accessories
  • work as part of a military unit under the supervision of experienced military instructors
  • monetary allowance in accordance with military status
AUTOMOTIVE maintenance mechanic
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • technical accounting and diagnostics: carrying out technical accounting of the condition and functionality of armored vehicles and automotive equipment. Diagnostics and troubleshooting.
  • repair and maintenance: Carrying out repair work, maintenance and preventive measures to ensure the normal operation of equipment.
  • technical documentation: Maintaining documentation of work performed, faults found, spare parts replaced and materials used

Mandatory requirements:

  • technical education: Higher or secondary specialized education in the field of automotive or technical maintenance
  • it is desirable to have experience in the field of technical maintenance or repair of equipment
  • care and responsibility: Ability to perform work carefully and responsibly, observing technical standards and safety requirements

Working conditions:

  • official mobilization until the end of martial law or contract service
  • monetary allowance in accordance with the norms of current legislation
  • opportunity for professional development and advanced training
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • assistance to the main service: Providing assistance in preparing the mortar for firing, including preparation and loading of ammunition
  • shooting support: Follow basic maintenance instructions and assist in setting and adjusting shooting parameters
  • technical assistance: Perform support tasks to maintain the mortar and keep it ready to fire

Mandatory requirements:

  • desire to learn: Willingness to learn new skills and master the use of specialized military equipment
  • carefulness and discipline: Ability to work closely with great attention to detail and following team instructions
  • physical endurance: Willingness to perform physical tasks associated with working with heavy military equipment

Working conditions:

  • education and training in the use of the mortar and its accessories
  • work as part of a military unit under the supervision of experienced military instructors
  • monetary allowance in accordance with military status
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • driving passenger vehicles
  • repair of automotive equipment (passenger vehicles)

Mandatory requirements:

  • possession of a category B driver's license and at least 5 years of driving experience
  • knowledge of the structure of a car, the principles of operation of its main systems and mechanisms
  • experience in vehicle repair will be an advantage
  • ability to operate BMP-1, BMP-2, BRM will be an advantage
  • military service experience will be an advantage

Working conditions:

  • official mobilization until the end of martial law or contract
  • monetary allowance in accordance with the standards adopted in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • possibility of transfer for active military personnel
  • performing duties in a combat zone
  • in case of completing tasks in a combat zone, a bonus in the amount of 3300 UAH/day will be awarded
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • collecting information: Conducting reconnaissance missions to collect information about enemy positions, troop actions and movements, geographic features, and other reconnaissance targets.
  • preliminary analysis: Study and analysis of received information to determine potential threats and opportunities for one's own military operations
  • reporting: Preparing reports and transmitting collected reconnaissance information to command staff for decision making

Mandatory requirements:

  • physical training: Readiness to carry out reconnaissance missions in war conditions
  • orientation skills: Knowledge of basic navigation skills, including ability to use a map and compass
  • communication skills: Ability to effectively communicate and transfer information with command staff

Working conditions:

  • education and training in reconnaissance operations
  • work as part of a military unit under the supervision of experienced military instructors
  • monetary allowance in accordance with military status
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • help setting up drones
  • assistance with drone assembly and repair

Mandatory requirements:

  • knowledge of BetaFlight, INAV, SpeedyBee, Kropiva software
  • experience with soldering elements
  • experience with electrical repairs
  • military service experience
  • interest in computer games or VR

Working conditions:

  • official mobilization until the end of martial law or contract service
  • possibility of transferring active military personnel
  • possible to perform duties in a combat zone
  • in case of completing tasks in a combat zone, a bonus in the amount of 3300 UAH/day will be awarded
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • effective use of anti-aircraft weapons (anti-aircraft guns, PPZK, missile systems) for protection against air targets (airplanes, helicopters, drones, etc.)
  • preparation and maintenance of anti-aircraft systems, including technical inspection and repair work
  • cooperation with other team members to coordinate and plan fire support and protection activities
  • conduct exercises and fire training exercises on the use of anti-aircraft weapons

Mandatory requirements:

  • knowledge and experience in using anti-aircraft systems and weapons
  • physical fitness and endurance to work with heavy anti-aircraft systems
  • high alertness and the ability to quickly respond to changes in the combat situation
  • well-developed communication skills and the ability to effectively cooperate in a team

Working conditions:

  • preparation and training at special courses on the use of anti-aircraft weapons
  • service as part of a military unit under the leadership of experienced commanders
  • salary in accordance with military status and performance of combat missions
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • learning and mastering the skills of operating an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) during movement and combat operations
  • implementation of instructions from the senior crew and the IFV maintenance manual
  • ensuring the safety of passengers and crew during movement and combat operations
  • co-operation with other crew and team members to achieve common goals and tasks

Mandatory requirements:

  • possession of a driver's license category C or CE (heavy machinery)
  • ability to quickly learn new material and follow instructions
  • high responsibility and attention to detail
  • good physical health and ability to work in conditions associated with military service
  • willingness to learn and follow instructions from management

Working conditions:

  • conducting training and preparation at special courses to obtain the necessary skills
  • service as part of a military unit under the leadership of experienced leaders and commanders
  • monetary support in accordance with military status and rank, as well as the performance of combat missions
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • providing first aid to the wounded and sick in combat conditions
  • organizing the evacuation of the wounded and their transportation to medical centers
  • participation in training and education in medical and combat training

Mandatory requirements:

  • medical education or relevant training in first aid
  • ability to work effectively in stressful and extreme situations

Working conditions:

  • contract military service or mobilization until the end of the special period
  • provision of necessary medical equipment and protective equipment
  • opportunities for professional growth and acquisition of additional medical skills
  • social guarantees and compensation in accordance with current legislation
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • establishing and maintaining communications between different parts of a military unit
  • operational use of radio and communications equipment to transmit information
  • maintaining communications logs and reporting of communication procedures performed
  • cooperating with the commander and other members of the military unit to ensure effective communication during combat operations

Mandatory requirements:

  • knowledge of the principles of operation of radio equipment and communications
  • willingness to study and master new technologies and communication methods
  • well-developed communication skills and the ability to effectively collaborate in a team
  • high attentiveness and ability to work in conditions of increased responsibility

Working conditions:

  • opreparation and training in special courses to obtain the necessary skills in the field of communications
  • service as part of a military unit under the guidance of experienced leaders and commanders
  • monetary support in accordance with military status and the implementation of communication tasks
RIFLEMAN-assistant to a grenade launcher
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • active participation in general and specialized military training
  • supporting the grenade launcher during shooting and working with the grenadier
  • perform team-level tasks with high coordination and accuracy
  • providing security and support during combat operations

Mandatory requirements:

  • readiness for basic general and professional military training
  • knowledge of military skills related to the effective use of weapons and combat tactics
  • ability to cooperate effectively with the grenade launcher and other members of the fireteam

Working conditions:

  • provision of modern equipment and necessary protective equipment
  • opportunities for professional and personal growth
  • social guarantees and compensation in accordance with current legislation
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • deputy commander of a combat vehicle, supporting the commander in the performance of duties and control of equipment
  • use of navigation systems to accurately determine the location and pointing of a combat vehicle at a target
  • participate in training and education to improve skills and readiness for challenges.

Mandatory requirements:

  • rank of sergeant (in accordance with current legislation and standards of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)
  • experience in using combat vehicles and navigation systems (experience is not required, we will provide the necessary training)
  • readiness to perform tasks as a gunner-operator

Working conditions:

  • provision of modern equipment and necessary protective equipment
  • opportunities for professional and personal growth
  • social guarantees and compensation in accordance with current legislation
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • active participation in general and specialized military training
  • perform team-level tasks with high coordination and accuracy
  • providing security and support during combat operations
  • regular maintenance of equipment and keeping it in good condition

Mandatory requirements:

  • ability for basic general and professional military training
  • readiness for training and commitment to the tasks of the Ukrainian Military Forces
  • owning a grenade launcher is not necessary

Working conditions:

  • contract military service or mobilization until the end of the special period
  • provision of modern equipment and necessary protective equipment
  • opportunities for professional and personal growth
  • social guarantees and compensation in accordance with current legislation
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • leadership and coordination of a military department on a combat vehicle
  • participation in training and education to increase the level of readiness of a military unit
  • ensuring the security and discipline of the military department

Mandatory requirements:

  • rank of sergeant (in accordance with current legislation and standards of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)
  • knowledge of the basics of military equipment and combat tactics (experience is not required, we will send you for training)
  • readiness to carry out tasks in conditions of hostilities and coordinate the actions of subordinates

Working conditions:

  • provision of modern equipment and support facilities
  • opportunities for professional and personal growth
  • social guarantees and compensation in accordance with current legislation
Заповнити заявку

Main responsibilities:

  • search and neutralization of mines and shells
  • organization of passages in enemy mine-explosive zones
  • elimination of explosive objects

Mandatory requirements:

  • knowledge of mine explosives and relevant work experience
  • engineering education
  • desire and readiness to master the specialty of engineering
  • good physical form
  • permission to carry out mine blasting operations will be an advantage
  • military service experience

Working conditions:

  • official mobilization until the end of martial law or contract
  • monetary allowance in accordance with the standards adopted in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • possibility of transfer for active military personnel
  • performing duties in a combat zone
  • in case of completing tasks in a combat zone, a bonus in the amount of 3300 UAH/day will be awarded

In civilian life, he worked in government positions and was a private entrepreneur. Since 2014, he has been actively involved in volunteer activities - he made 35 volunteer trips to the defenders of Ukraine in the Donetsk region.

He met the beginning of a full-scale invasion in the status of a deputy of the local village council. He created and led the voluntary formation of a village society in the Volyn region. Having become the commander of the territorial defence volunteer battalion, he received weapons for the unit, organized the training of personnel and the preparation of evacuation routes, shelters, together with the village community, he collected and sent more than 300 tons of humanitarian aid to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Kiev region and eastern Ukraine.
In May 2023, he mobilized into the Ukrainian Armed Forces, receiving the position of squad commander in the 5th separate assault brigade. He carried out combat missions on the New York-Toretsk contact line in the Donetsk region. After this, he was appointed chief sergeant of the company, and subsequently – chief sergeant of the first assault battalion. In Bakhmut, the unit fought side by side with the 93rd Brigade.
After the battalion was withdrawn from the line of conflict for restoration, Siryi, as the father of three minor children, resigned from the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Since the intensity of the fighting did not subside, in October he decided to return to the ranks of the defenders of Ukraine. Taking into account the acquired combat experience, authority among the military, business and moral qualities, he holds the position of chief sergeant of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade Kholodnyi Yar.
For the valor shown in battle and loyalty to the military oath, he was awarded the award for exemplary service of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine and the Golden Cross of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Hobby: tourism.


До повномасштабного вторгнення - приватний підприємець, працював у торгівлі. Мобілізувався 27 лютого 2022-го. Два місяці служив стрілком у центрі комплектування, у травні потрапив у 93-тю бригаду - у взвод розвідки 2-го стрілецького батальйону. Воював у Курульках, під Малою Комишувахою на Ізюмському напрямку. З серпня - у Соледарі. Навчався аеророзвідці, щоб ефективно коригувати артилерію і шукати позиції противника. Під час Бахмутської кампанії у жовтні 22-го став командиром відділення БПЛА, а у березні 23-го - командиром взводу розвідки батальйону - корегував міномети, роботу танків із закритих позицій. Водночас взвод почав літати в інтересах бригади, допомагав налагоджувати роботу аеророзвідки в батальйонах.У жовтні 2023 року отримав звання офіцера і прийняв посаду командира роти ударних безпілотників. Почав налагоджувати групи FPV-дронів - камікадзе і бомберів, застосовувати нічні бомбери, розвідувальні та ударні “крила”.
Хобі: робота.


He has been serving in the 93rd brigade since July 2019. He led the 1st battalion during the hottest phase of the fighting for Bakhmut. He was the commander of the 8th mechanized company, reconnaissance company and 6th mechanized company. He met the beginning of a full-scale invasion in the Sumy region. After two days of war with the unit he led, he cleared the enemy from the villages in his area right up to the border. He freed the settlement of Husarivka in the Balakliysky district of the Kharkiv region. Subsequently, he took part in the counter-offensive, including leading a unit during the de-occupation of the village of Dibrivne in Izyum district. Further, having assumed the position of deputy commander of the 3rd mechanized battalion in the 93rd brigade, he took an active part in the battles for Soledar with the unit.
Hobby: boxing.


Commander of the 2nd mechanized battalion.
The 93rd brigade met on February 24, 2022, engaging in battle with the Russians and preventing the city of Okhtyrka from being captured, as well as villages in the Sumy region and the north of the Kharkiv region. A few days later, soldiers of the 93rd Brigade cleared them from the enemy to the border. Already on the first day of the full-scale invasion, the Samara’s сompany defeated two columns of Russian occupiers entering Okhtyrka. Next, the unit drove the enemy from Kyrykivka, Velyka Pysarivka in the Sumy region all the way to the border. Subsequently, the unit under his command participated in fierce battles and the liberation of Trostyanets. Subsequently, heading the 2nd mechanized battalion in December 2022, he defends the Bakhmut direction.
Hobbies: weapons


He has been in the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 2010, having become a cadet at a higher military educational institution. In July 2014, he became a platoon commander in the 8th company of the 3rd mechanized battalion. He received his baptism of fire as a unit commander in the area between Makiivka and Yenakieve, during military clashes with the hybrid forces of the Russian Federation. In 2019, having assumed the position of chief of staff of the battalion, he continued his combat path, repelling the invaders in the Luhansk region. Later, during a planned rotation, he decided to resign from the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, however, at the time of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022, he made a strong-willed decision to defend the country. Later he became deputy commander of the 2nd mechanized battalion of the 93rd brigade and in the first days of the full-scale invasion took an active part in the de-occupation of settlements in the Sumy region, pushing the enemy to the very border. Subsequently, he took part in the liberation of Husarivka and Zalyman. On the border of the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions, his battalion recaptured the so-called “Sherwood Forest”, liberating Mazanivka. Since August 2023, his unit defended Soledar and carried out counter-offensive operations in the waste heap area. Since January 2023, as a battalion commander, he defended Bakhmut during the most difficult battles for the city. He knocked out the occupiers south and north of Andriivka.
Hobbies: extreme driving.


He has been in the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 2010, when he became a cadet at a higher military educational institution.
Since 2015, he is a platoon commander in the air force, since 2017, a platoon commander, and then, a company commander and deputy battalion commander in a tank brigade.
At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he actively participated in repelling the Russian offensive on the Chernihiv region and in heavy battles in the “Epicenter” area, and subsequently in the Zaporizhya direction.
Since November 2022, he led the 1st motorized infantry battalion defending the city of Soledar, beating the occupier in Klishchiivka, Ivanivka. Under the command of "Sobol", the 1st infantry battalion stood in the active defense of Bakhmut during the period of heavy fighting for the city. Then he again defended Klishchiivka and repelled enemy assaults in Bohdanivka in the Bakhmut direction.
Hobby: numismatics.


He has been in the 93rd brigade since October 2014. He was a platoon commander in the legendary 6th Mechanized Regiment, and actively participated in the storming of the Iversky Monastery near the Donetsk airport, when he was first wounded.
He fought in the DAP area, in Nevelske, Krymske. Since the summer of 2015, he led the reconnaissance of the battalion. In November 2016, he exploded on a mine and received a traumatic amputation of his foot. Despite the injury and the possibility of resigning from the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in January 2017 “Leityoha” returned to duty in defense of the country using a prosthesis. The first year of rehabilitation was devoted to the education of cadets at the Lyceum named after Bohun. Later he actively participated in the battles for Novotroitske, Novoselivka-2, and in Krymske. On the first day of a full-scale invasion, he again mobilized into the 93rd, fought in the Sumy region, and subsequently became chief of staff in the new 2nd motorized infantry battalion. In Izyum district, Leityoha’s battalion defended Novodmytrivka and, in heavy battles, liberated 5 km of territory to the outskirts of Sulyhivka. Starting from August 2022, he has been fighting in the Bakhmut direction.
Hobbies: traveling, reading.


He signed his first contract with the Armed Forces in 2014, and a year later he entered the military academy. In the summer of 2019, he joined the 93rd Brigade, leading a sniper platoon. In September 2021, he became commander of a reconnaissance company. In the first days of the invasion, he fought in the Sumy region - in Okhtyrka, and made forays into Trostyanets. In the Izyum direction of the Kharkiv region, he carried out assaults in the direction of Brazhkivka-Sulyhivka and repelled the enemy’s attack on Virnopilya.
From August 22, he served as deputy battalion commander of the 2nd mechanized battalion, which took part in heavy battles on the outskirts of Soledar near the “Knauf” plant, and subsequently held the defense of Bakhmut. In December 2023, he became the head of the 1st Rifle Battalion.
Hobby: weapons.


He joined the 93rd Brigade as a tank platoon commander in 2015. Then he took over a tank company. The baptism of fire took place in Pisky, Donetsk region. He commanded a unit in the Luhansk region, as well as in the Volnovakha and Avdiivka areas of the Donetsk region. In 2019, he held the position of chief of staff of the 3rd mechanized battalion. Since 2021 he has led a tank battalion. At the beginning of a full-scale invasion, he personally got into a tank and directly took part in the battles for the defense of Kharkiv. He led the battalion in the battles in Izyum district, where he was wounded. After rehabilitation, he actively participated in the battles for Soledar and Bakhmut.
Hobby: weapons.


He has been with the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 1999, when he became a cadet at a higher military educational institution. At the moment of a full-scale invasion, he decided that his duty was to once again defend Ukraine. Having become the commander of a reserve company in the 93rd brigade, in May 2022 he forms the 2nd rifle battalion. As a battalion commander, he fought in the Izyum direction in the village of Kurulky. Since August 2022, the unit has defended Soledar, and now the Bakhmut direction. In August 2023, with the battalion, he participated in the counter-offensive in the Klishchiivka direction.
Hobbies: technology, auto mechanics.


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